
Door Types and Their Ways Of Maintaining

Nowadays doors are used in various places such as in furniture, construction Industry, housing industry etc. These doors are made from different materials and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Doors can be customized according to the needs, requirements, design, home décor etc. Following are some of the door types and the ways to maintain them.

Types of doors and their maintaining tips

1) Fiberglass doors

  • If you want to use your door for several years then build the door using fiberglass. Fiberglass materials prevent the door from being scratched.  It can be easily repainted and is available in various shapes and color.




  Ways to sustain fiberglass doors


i) Fixture and maintenance

  • Fiberglass doors require maintenance from above five to seven years. Door hinges, knobs should be replaced over the time. If old hinges give resistance for moving, then you should provide oiling instead of full replacement.

      ii) Install door guards.

  • They are easily installed with the few screws. By adding these door guards you are adding the insulation to your home.

         iii) Stain the doors

  • Unlike other doors, you can stain the fiberglass doors.

       iv) Clean the doors regularly

  • Fiberglass doors come in contact with rain or high sunlight when we use these doors as the main doors. Due to these reasons, this doors can erode. You can prevent it by cleaning from the front and backside. You can also use mild warm water for cleaning the doors.   


       v) Keep the user manual

  • Along with fiberglass door, you will get user manual guide. Prevent this guide, it will show you how to maintain fiberglass door for better longevity.

       vi) Use light color to your doors.

  • When light colors are used they absorb less amount of heat and sunlight, as a result, these doors do not fade away. Using a dark color will absorb more light and heat causing the door to fade quickly. These doors come with user warranty and provide placement or replacement as per the rules.


       2) Aluminum doors

  • Aluminum is the cheapest material that can be used to build a door. It can withstand the high weight of glass in doors and still can slide smoothly without any disturbance. Aluminum is also resistance to fungus and other worm and insects.




Aluminum doors can be protected in the following ways

     i) Cleaning

  • Clean the aluminum door regularly and allow it to dry. Use proper solvent to paint the aluminum door from oxidation.

      ii) Protective coating

  • Add a protective coating to aluminum doors. It will act as a wall between aluminum and air and prevent the door from oxidation.


     iii) Keep dry

  • Keep the aluminum door as dry as possible. Avoid access use of water contact.

           Things to avoid when washing the aluminum door.

       i) Do not apply strong chemicals or any detergent while cleaning.

       ii) Avoid contact with a steel brush or any pads.

       iii) Aluminum frames should not get in contact with high-pressure cleaners,  as the pressure could break them.


  3) Wood Door

  • Wooden materials nowadays are widely used in building doors. These materials come in customized shapes, sizes, and color according to the need.



           You can use the wooden door in some of the following scenarios

  • Use a wooden door when you have more decoration designs.  
  • When your budget is less.
  • When you want to fix glass on the door, wooden doors are the best choice.

             Ways to protect and clean the wooden door

     i) Repaint

  • If the door and its frame are fading away due to reasons like exposure to sunlight or corrosion, you can repaint them by using chemical solvents. Do not forget to dry the wood completely otherwise wood will stain over time.


         ii) Use Chemical Solvents.

  • Clean the door frames with chemical solvents that are available. Clean it at least once a week otherwise color of the door frame will fade away.

         iii) Make use of machine

  • Purchase the steam machine available and place it over wooden door. Move this machine back & forth across the stained portions.


     iv) Clean the dust

  • Layers of dust get cover on the doors so clean them daily. Take special care on the exterior part and also on the corners where dust gets saturated.

      v) Remove old paint

  • You can remove the old paint by using chemical solvents. While doing this one precaution should be kept in mind is that one should always wear a mask on the face and it should be done in the well-ventilated area.

       vi) Let the paint dry.

  • After washing the doors let them dry out completely. Remove access water with a napkin. If the moisture remains over the wood it will cause wood to stain over the time.

      vii) Clean the door fixtures

  • While washing the door do not forget to wash the handles and door fixtures. Make sure you wash door knobs from both sides. Use mild warm water for cleaning.


     4) Bifold doors

  • These are the doors which connect exterior area like a balcony or terrace to a living room or bedroom. Typically these doors work on panels attached to hinges that are connected to rollers at the top.


    These doors can be used for several years if you maintain it in the following ways.


      i) Clean the glass

  • Wash these doors with mild warm waters and wipe it with a non-abrasive cloth. You can also use a mild detergent to wipe the doors.


      ii) Maintaining the frames

  • If the door frames have any stains that will not wipe out with water then you can make use of ink rubber to clean it.

        iii) Cleaning the tracks

  • While using the door make sure that door tracks are clean and there are no debris and stones on the track as they will resist the motion of the door. To clean the tracks use vacuum-cleaner.


    5) Sliding doors

  • Sliding doors are the best option where there is less space for door openings. These doors are generally used in bedrooms if the area available is very small.



      Benefits of using  Sliding Doors 

  • Comes in customize materials and shapes.
  • You can add glass paneling to enrich the look of your door.
  • Less space is consumed to operate this door.


 For long use of sliding doors follow this tricks

   i) Cleaning the tracks

  • Remove the track dirt and debris with the help of vacuum cleaner along with that make use of a small brush for cleaning.

    ii) Replacing the roller wheels

  • When the rollers at the bottom of the doors become old they start to rust thus providing resistance to slide the door. To solve this apply oil or any lubricant. If then also the problem is not solved replace the roller wheels.


       iii) Adjusting the screws.

  • Sliding door has adjusting screws at the bottom to change the level of the door. If the door is not sliding properly you can adjust the screws to right or left accordingly. Use a screwdriver to adjust the level of the door.


     6) Internal French Doors

  • French doors are used to allow more passage of light to enter your home, workplace etc. French door requires less maintenance as they easily fit with hinges so there is no need of cleaning the door track.



         To use french doors efficiently try out this method

  • Do oiling once a week for the smooth functioning of the door.
  • If you have wooden french doors apply varnish coating to prevent fading.
  • Use coating named as WD-40 to provide lubrication to the french door.
  • Make use of acidic solutions like vinegar, lemon juice etc along with a piece of cloth to clean the door glass.



    7) Vinyl Doors

  • Vinyl materials are scratch proof and also resistant to heat. These are the cheapest material to build a door. These materials can be easily molded to desired shape and size and also they can swing, slide or fold according to the need. They also provide thermal protection. Most of the vinyl doors are made of rigid vinyl for high strength and insulation.


     Following are the ways to maintain the vinyl door

  • Clean the vinyl doors with mildly warm soapy water.
  • Make the use of soft, dry cloth to wipe.
  • Make proper use of solvents for the removal of stain.



  • Do not use any acids or chemical solvent to clean the doors.
  • Don’t make use of blades or any abrasive-pads.
  • Avoid more exposure to sunlight as it can fade the coating materials.

   8) Glass doors.

 In these types of doors, a piece of glass is cut into the desired design and pieces to fit into wooden frames. However, the whole door also can be made from glass according to the needs. These doors are generally used in house backyard to see the unobstructed view. Avoid using glass doors in front due to privacy and security issue. Glass doors are high on budget and maintenance and require special care.


Proper Ways to Maintain Glass Doors

  • Use vacuum cleaners on both the sides of doors(use gently).
  • Clean the door frames with mild warm liquid.
  • For better moving and sliding of doors clean the door tracks at least once a week.
  • Apply oil in door frames and corners for better lubrication.


  • Applying petrol and any chemicals for cleaning or washing.
  • Using very hot water.
  • Smashing the door rashly.


      6) Collapsible  steel doors

  • Collapsible steel doors are used in commercial places like shops, factory, warehouses etc. The steel door opens too and fro in the horizontal direction. They are very strong and provide safety to the place.



                Some advantages of using these doors

  • Steel doors are mainly made of iron and steel for safety so they are cheaper to use.
  • Steel doors do not need any replacement for several years.
  • Unaffected by the harsh weather their look does not fade away.

                  Ways  to maintain a collapsible steel door

  • Use wax coating to prevent them from rusting.
  • If the rust spots on the gate are seen then immediate action should be taken to remove the spots.
  • Wash the door with soap detergent and use mild water to wash it.


            7)Steel shutter doors

  • Shutter doors are mostly used in garages and shops. They provide high security as the material from which they are built(iron, steel) is strong and durable.



                     Ways  to maintain  steel  shutter door

  • Use wax coating to prevent them from rusting.
  • If the rust spots on the gate are seen then immediate action should be taken to remove the spots.
  • Wash the steel doors with a thin-haired brush once in a week to maintain the looks.



     1) Garage doors

  • Garage doors are used in parking lots to accommodate any vehicle inside according to the size of the door. Garage doors can also run on motor according to which they are designed.


Garage door types:-          

1)Steel garage doors

 Steel garage door is made from aluminum, steel, vinyl materials. Below are some of the advantages.       


  • Pocket-friendly and are easy to maintain.
  • Steel garage doors are available in custom size and shapes according to customer requirement and are made from stainless steel for protection from dents.



  • Garage doors have thin panels of 27 or 28 gauge steel which is incapable of standing in high impact.
  • The color of steel garage doors fade away when comes in contact with high sunlight.


       2)Wood garage doors


  • Wood is the cheapest material to build a door. It is also a better insulator than steel. These doors give an attractive look to the garage entrance.






  • Colors of Wooden Garage doors fade away over time so these doors are needed to be painted quite often.
  • They cannot resist high impact as steel doors.


3)Fiberglass garage doors.


  • Fiberglass offers great resistance to dents. They are easy to use and install as these materials are very light in weight. Fiberglass doors are more resistant to salt water due to which they are used widely in the coastal area.




  • Fiberglass doors are a poor insulator and the material can be fade easily by harsh weather.
  • As the glass is very delicate these doors need to be handled carefully.







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