16 ways to make your office space look more lively
The atmosphere of the office goes a long way in contributing to the growth and the productivity of the business. It is also proven that the more fun you have in your office the more productive your business is. So, if you are spending the majority of your time in the office then why not decorate it as your own and make it feel more lively, cheerful and a welcoming place to work in. All offices are not like Google that they have an enormous space and huge funds at their disposal to make their office lively and cheerful, making it one of the best places to work.

But, you can try some small tips and techniques which will help to make your small office space more lively:
1. Cultivate a lively environment:
If your office has a lively atmosphere it makes it more conducive for the employees to work and gives them a new and clear perspective as well. Having an open office many times offers employees the freedom to freely interact with each other. Thus, building the team spirit of the organization.
However, remember that small offices don’t always allow plenty of open spaces and at times employees may need some privacy to complete the work. So, in that case, be sure to keep some space aside as private rooms or cubicles for employees to work inefficiently.
2. Add a few surprises:
Your office is something that should reflect your personality. Mix in some vintage touches, a kitschy accessory, an antique, or something handmade. When well done, blending these accents into your office décor can take your space out of the mundane, add a bit of humor, and communicate who you are and what you love.
3. Bring in some greenery:
If your stressed or your mind is in a flight or fight mode, creativity comes to a halt. Usually, spaces which are more lively, bright, vibrant and healthy can stimulate more creativity and can automatically reduce stress levels. You can add a breath of fresh air to your office by adding some house plants which reduce workplace stress and cultivate a healthy mindset.
Plants can brighten up your desk and make you feel more accomplished, and the bonus is that they can even purify the air in your office.
4. Add decoration to your office boards:
Your office board is a place where you work creatively and constantly brainstorm on new ideas. Then when it is such a place of creativity, why does it need to be boring?
You can always lighten up the office boards by adding a touch of creativity. You can easily give the plainest of schedule a splash of color by adding some decorative tapes. You can use easy to clean colorful markers to highlight the important news and also add some character to the otherwise dull office boards.
5. Tidy Up:
It is not always one of the more fun options available, but a cluttered office messes with the productivity of the employees, making it harder for them to concentrate. But cleaning up your office space will make it look better and improve the overall aesthetics of the place- and the best part about it is that it is free!
Clear the clutter and then clean primary surfaces like the floors, windows, and your desk. It'll set the stage for more refinements later.
6. Add touches of inspiration:
There is more than one way to create more creative art. You can brighten up the office space and motivate your employees by enlarging and printing a favorite quote, poem or an excerpt from a book. When this is matted and framed it becomes a unique and inspirational art piece for the office.
When choosing what to add to your office let the creative juices flow freely and think of what will go best with the company culture and make your work more productive. By simply adding art pieces and other unconventional objects to your office, you’ll help to encourage new ways of thinking.
7. Add a splash of color:
When you think of color, it is not just an important component of your brand image but you can also use a fresh coat of paint to brighten up your office atmosphere. Different colors will actually influence how people feel. For instance, colors like black and red suggest power and dominance, while, colors like orange and blue can stimulate creative thinking. Be wary in choosing the color scheme for your office as it will go a long way in affecting the mood and creativity of your employees.
8. Add Texture:
The texture is like the unsung component of interior designing. You can add texture by using soft furnishing items such as accent pillows, upholstery, window treatments and rugs which can give a comfortable feel to the office and also make it feel more warm, cheerful and lively.
9. Add fun magnets or push pins:
There are many different ways to add some fun to your office by using colorful magnets and push pins. It is a simple and easy way to make a statement, and they are small so you can easily go crazy with the different colors and types.
10. Hold files with decorative bookends:
Thinking about bookends does not mean something which is dusty and boring. Today there are many fresh and quirky options available in the market that you love. Choosing a quirky and beautiful bookend will make your files and books look more bright and better sitting in between something which is very pretty.
11. Get an awesome desk lamp or lighting:
If you are low on budget and space and want to brighten up the office space you can go for some awesome lighting. Natural light is always the preferred option when it comes to bright office spaces. However, you may not always have the liberty to do the same. In this case, you may experiment with the different lighting options which are available. Lighting helps to make it look more sophisticated and has the added benefit of keeping you awake on those lazy winter evenings.
12. Upgrade your stationery:
Post–It Notes, pens, drawing pins and staplers don’t need to be boring. If you’ve got to use them they might as well be fun right? Heart shaped sticky notes, crazy pens, drawing pins in the shape of bugs, or staples in the shape of a hippo.
So, believe it or not, you can totally change the vibe of your office with some fun and quirky stationery.
13. Hang a wire to display the pictures:
Many times people add different photo frames to add a personalized touch to the office. But these frames may sometimes be the reason for that extra clutter and occupy some more space in the already space-constrained office. You add a wire of pictures of your family, friends, colleagues at different occasions which will help to lighten up the office space.
14. Get Dramatic:
Sometimes it can get tricky to display the art. Sometimes using large pieces rather than many small pieces can make space look more creative and beautiful. Go for something grand that fits the scale of your office and reflects your personality and taste. Complement with one or two smaller pieces, but on the minimalist side.
15. Hang up a mirror:
If you have a small office space but want the illusion of making it look bigger. You can easily accomplish this by adding a mirror. A large mirror is a perfect choice since it gives the impression that your office is twice the size. Mirrors also make great whiteboards or spaces to tape up inspirational messages and post its.
16. Get comfortable chairs:
The chair is the place where you will be spending the maximum portion of your day, so you might as well make it comfortable. Sitting in a crappy chair can affect your posture and back in the long run. There are many modern chairs available in the market which can add that style and comfort to your office.
Remember, the key to an awesome office isn't a mystery: just avoid clichés, spice it up (elegantly) with your own personality, add a surprise or two, and minimize the clutter. With a few simple steps, you can change not only your workspace but the quality of work you do in it.